Important Service Desk Update: The Service Desk is preparing for reimplementation. If you have an open ticket, please respond before May 17 – open tickets will not be transferred. On May 18 & 19, no tickets may be submitted by self-service, nor will the Service Desk create a ticket by phone or chat. The Service Desk will be available by phone at 877-243-5753 for support. The new platform will be fully available on May 20.


Any time you are suspicious of an email it is appropriate to report the email as a phish using the “Email Reporting” > “Report as Phish” buttons on the Outlook ribbon.

To best determine if an email is a phish, please consider the following:

  • Has there been other communication about this change (Society Source article or or other ACS sources)?
  • Does the email convey a sense of urgency to get you to click?
  • Is there an embedded link, attachment, or QR code?
  • Are there misspellings or does it use terminology not generally used at ACS?

If you see any of the above in an email and question whether it’s real, you are right to report it as a phish attempt.

What’s phishing?
Phishing is the practice of luring you into disclosing personal information, such as bank account numbers and passwords. Often phishing messages look legitimate, but have deceptive links that actually open fake websites.

If you select Report as Phishing in Outlook, a copy of your message may be sent to Microsoft to help update our filters, and the message will be moved from your Inbox to your Junk Email folder. 

What’s Junk email?

Junk email messages are typically referred to as spam. These are messages that you don’t want to receive that may be advertising products you don’t use or find offensive. If you choose the Junk option, a copy of the message may be sent to Microsoft to help update our spam filters, and the message will be moved from your Inbox to your Junk Email folder. 


Phishing FAQs

How do I report Phishing?

Please report phishing attempts in Outlook by selecting the email > “Email Reporting” > “Report as Phish”.

Alternatively, you can save the email as .msg (in My Documents) then email a copy of the .msg file to [email protected].

What if I don’t have a “Report as Phishing” button?

Click here for directions to add one.

What do I do after I report email as phish?

You do not need to do anything else.

If you believe that you fell for a phish (clicked a URL in a suspicious email, etc.),  please notify the Service Desk immediately.

When should I contact the Service Desk? 

Please contact the Service Desk when you have clicked on a bad link, entered credentials and hit submit, or opened a suspected bad attachment. The Service Desk will work to determine if
you have been compromised.

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